MCA is holding a Christmas pageant on December 20th! The students at MCA will be performing Christmas Carols in the gym. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders have been working extremely hard singing carols, and the pageant is drawing very near. We will be performing songs that most people know, like “The Twelve Days of Christmas” and “Joy to the World”. The pageant has been going pretty well so far, and we, the students, have pageant rehearsal on Tuesdays. The rehearsal is from 3:45-5:00pm, and we have the rehearsal instead of the usual activities we have (until we actually do the pageant). The rehearsal usually takes place in the chapel on the 2nd floor, but on Tuesday, December 6th, we had rehearsal in the gym, as a rehearsal place for what the actual Christmas Pageant day would be like. After we perform the actual Christmas Pageant, then we go into Christmas vacation! We will be performing in front of our friends and family, so everyone has been working hard to do well. Some people have solo parts that they will sing, so for example Hunessa and Amauna in the 5th grade have a solo part that they will perform in one of the carols we will be singing. Overall, we will be singing the carols together as a whole school. My opinion about the pageant is positive. I thought that it was going to be an actual pageant, with a catwalk and everything, and I was really nervous because I absolutely hate modeling. But then, Ms. Ricketts told us that it was actually just us singing Christmas carols! I was VERY relived. The pageant will officially be held in the MCA gym on 12.20. On Wednesday, December 14th, we rehearsed in the gym. The people who were playing parts, like Mary, Joseph and the angels, were rehearsing for the whole last period while we did our little part. They had to rehearse the part where they walk in to start the whole pageant. The cast is made up mostly of 6th graders, but there are a few 7th and 8th graders also part of the cast.
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