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Monday, January 31, 2011

The Goals of Mother Caroline


The first student I have recently interviewed is Empress Thompson who is eleven whose goals are to go to a very nice college that is fit for her and to bump up her grades and get a scholarship to go to college. Empress is a student in the sixth grade who feels she is a hard worker towards art.

When Empress is outside of school she likes to play basketball and go shopping with her friends. When Empress is inside of school she is also hanging out with friends but being a very hard worker.

Her favorite color is neon blue because it reminds her of a peaceful ocean swaying back and forth. She likes doing her homework on her bed because it is very comforting to know that she is once again home from a hard day of school which Empress prefers to call “work”. Empress’s favorite quote is “if you believe you can achieve” which is what Empress believes that if she keeps being a hard worker it will pay off someday. Empress says that one day she discovered that she has a lot of knowledge and should some day share with others and then later on in life she thought maybe if she was going to share this knowledge with people, what she has learned, she is now thinking about becoming a teacher for her career and teach others what she has learned during her years in school and many more to come.



Italy has a temperate climate. Rome is on the west in Central Italy, not far from the coast. Also the capital of Italy. The top 10 cities most visited in Italy are. 1. Rome 2. Venice 3. Florence 4. Milan 4. Naples 5.Verona 6.Turin 7. Bologna 8. Perugia 9. Genoa. There are famous actors/ actresses that are from different parts of the world but now we are going to find out about Italian actors/actresses like, Robert DeNiro from “Meet The Fockers” and Paul Giamatti from the “Big Fat Liar."

6th Grade Math


I am writing this article because a lot of people want to know, “what’s going on in the 6th grade I really want to know so when I go to 6th I’ll be prepared for it." My name is Jayne and I will be interviewing kids from the 6th grade.


Do you like math, and why.
Rachel: yes, because we use numbers not words.
Naomi: yes, because its fun
Chastity: yes, because we learn fun things
Dominique: yes, because its very educational and it will help us in the future.

Are the teachers very nice?
Rachel: Yes, because they love us.
Naomi: Yes
Chastity: well there’s only supposed to 1 so yes.
Dominique: Yes, but she sometimes keeps a serious face.

Do the teachers give a lot of information?
Chastity: well since there’s only one teacher she gives us a lot of information.
Dominique: Ms. Nugent gives us pages and pages of notes we have to write down but at the end it is very helpful.

Thank you for answering these questions and I picked Math because that’s what a lot of people in the class like.

Current Events


In Australia there was a flood and it was on a Tuesday. But on Wednesday the rain started to fall and then the rain never stopped. At least 200,000 thousand people got effected. It was in the month of December. Peoples cars were under ground and they had to stand on them so the can be safe. There were lots of animals that had to swim to stay alive.

The water was as high as a traffic light. There were 30,000 buildings that were destroyed. It was horrible because people lost many family members and now they are crying and they lost their children too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Activities: Film!

By, Savannah

I am writing about activities for the newspaper. I am going to be interviewing kids from different grades and ask about what they think of activities and what activities they have. One activity that I am going to focus on is film. I think that film is fun because we get to watch movies and talk about them. The teachers who teach film are Ms. Soules and Ms. Foley. They are both nice and they have a smile on their face and they both seem like cool teachers. Film is very relaxing activity because you get to sit and get all the stress out of your head and watch a movie.

Chastity says that she likes film because we can watch movies and we get to laugh our heads off because she’s like laughing a lot and when she’s laugh my tummy starts to hurt. She also says that film is fun because she’s get to sit down and watch movies and relax.