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Friday, September 30, 2011

Teachers and Their Favorite Entertainment

By Hunessa Louis

Some students think that teachers don’t have any
entertainment but I interviewed some teachers at
MCA that have many different favorite Entertainment/
TV shows. The very first person that I interview was
Ms Bartels. Ms Bartels loves Comedy and Dark
Comedy and her favorite TV shows are Parks and
Recreation and she also enjoys the show The Office.
Her favorite Actresses are Meryl Streep and Angelica
Houston. The next educator that I interview was Mrs.
Perrault (As known as Mrs. P). Her favorite types of
TV shows are Cooking Channels/Shows. Her favorite
TV show is Glee and her favorite actors/actresses are
Brad Pitt, Daniel Creg, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Another
person that I interview was Mrs. Beverly. Mrs. Beverly
enjoys comedy and soap, her favorite TV show are
Mysteries, and her favorite actor is Denzel Washington
(she said that she loved and enjoys his movies). And
the last person that I interview was Ms Sitron. Her
favorite types of TV shows/ entertainment are
Comedy sometimes Drama and she also enjoys HBO
movies and her favorite actor and actress is Jason

Bateman and Natalie Portman. Another educator that
I interview was Ms Taylor. Her favorite type of TV
show is comedy her favorite Actor is Denzel
Washington and her favorite TV show is Modern
Family. And the last educator/ principal was Ms
Albert. Her favorite type of TV shows are comedy and
reality, her favorite actors and actresses are also
Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks, Tyler Perry (me
too), and Taraji Henson and her favorite TV shows
are X Factor (me too), South Park, and the Cosby
Show. Those are some of the teacher’s favorite
entertainment they are different but they are opinions
which are fine because it is about you and what you
think about it.

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