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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Movie Review

Yo what’s up homies! Well I’m chillin’ right now and I want to tell you about this new movie I just watched about a week ago. The movie I watched was "The Nightmare On Elm Street" which is also known as the new Freddy Krueger film. The movie was about how a killer named Freddy Krueger came in people’s dreams and kill them. It’s up to at least two people to kill. I’m not going to tell you the ending because hopefully you will find it out for yourself. Another movie that is a Halloween movie is "Hokus Pocus" and it’s about these three witches and they have to eat all the kid’s souls before midnight or else they’ll vanish. This is also a great movie to watch.

Now since you know some of the new Halloween movies, you should watch them. I’ll write again soon to share more book and movie recommendations. If you already watched these movies, or have read any really good books lately, comment on the article and tell me your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. i have never watched a Freddy Krueger film. it sound intersting
